1. Is there a firearm in your household?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) I don’t know
2. What should be the proper procedure for obtaining a firearm?
(a A psychological evaluation
(b) A gun safety class
(c) All of the above
(d) No formal procedure for obtaining a firearm
3. What should Arizona law be pertaining to gun control?
(a) Regulate access with a permit
(b) No regulation
(c) Ban firearms in public
(d) Ban firearms entirely
4. Some people believe that even if guns are prohibited, criminals will still obtain firearms.
(a) Strongly agree
(b) Agree
(c) Disagree
(d) Strongly Disagree
To acheive randomness, the members of our group did many things. First we tried to avoid polling multiple members of one class. Also, we made a concerted effort to only poll students we saw outside of class. Another way we acheived randomness was that we did our best to not poll students we knew. This way we avoided only getting honors students or getting results that we knew we were going to receive. As for receiving an accurate sample, we made sure to poll an equal amount of males/femals and an equal amount of 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.
Possible Sources of Error
One major source of error we did have was that most the students we ended up polling were honors students. This didnt necessarily distort our graph but it did not give us the sample size of both sides that we wanted. Also on question 4, we had no answers that were D and very few that were C. This could be due to the fact that the choices went from Strongly Agree to Agree. If it had been in a more random order more people may have considered the option of disagree but since they saw two agree answers back to back they immediently wanted to answer agree. And last of all, one member of our group handed the answer sheet to the student being polled so they could write their responses. This could have influenced their responses.